marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

masinile tari = aspiratoare (dovada stiintifica)

A study commissioned by a phallically named insurance company proves beyond all doubt that the unbridled roar of an Italian supercar turns women on but the soft purr of a fuel-efficient econobox doesn’t stimulate anyone’s MPG-spot.

David Moxon subjected 40 men and women to the sounds of a Maserati, Lamborghini and Ferrari, then measured the amount of testosterone in their saliva. He found everyone had higher levels of the stuff — a measure of their arousal — after hearing the revving exotics, but the amount the women had was off the charts.

The econobox, however, left everyone colder than a January day in Nome.

The study was commissioned by the ultra-exclusive British insurer Hiscox (we swear we’re not making this up), which was curious to know how people respond to high-end luxury cars. “We knew owners of luxury cars felt a connection with the sound of their vehicles,” says Steve Langan, managing director of the insurance company. “We have now scientifically proven the physical attraction people feel when it comes to cars.”

To test the theory that high-performance cars get people hot, Moxon had 40 men and women listen to recordings of the three Italian exotics and a Volkswagen Polo. Everyone had significantly more testosterone after hearing the exotics, and all of the women were turned on by the Maserati. The guys, on the other hand, were drawn to the Lamborghini.

“We saw significant peaks in the amount of testosterone in the body, particularly in women,” Maxon says, noting that even women who said they had no interest in cars were turned on. “Testosterone is indicative of positive arousal in the human body so we can confidently conclude from the results out today that the roar of a luxury car engine actually does cause a primeval physiological response.”

amine heterociclice

prajirea carnii in tigaie sau pe gratar (chiar si la cuptor) creaza, prin reactia aminoacizilor si a creatinei la temperatura inalta, o serie de compusi cancerigeni genotoxici care se numesc amine heterociclice (dungile alea negre care se formeaza pe gratar, care ii dau gustul bun :-) 

acesti compusi cresc riscul de cancer de stomac, cancer colorectal, pancreatic, de prostata si chiar si riscul de cancer de san

un studiu a constatat ca marinarea carnii in bere timp de 6 ore inainte de prajire a redus nivelul aminelor heterociclice cu 88%. rezultate similare s-au obtinut si prin marinarea carnii timp de o ora in ulei de masline si mirodenii. un exemplu aici. marinarea in vin rosu a redus nivelul aminelor heterociclice cu 40% 

un alt studiu a aratat ca o carne gatita la microunde 2 minute inainte de prajire are cu 90% mai putine amine heterociclice decat una pusa direct pe foc

efectele negative ale aminelor heterociclice sunt contracarate si de antioxidantii (plus fibrele) din fructe, legume si ceai


din categoria "sexy but cheap" in categoria "i wouldn't touch her with a stick"

burta din poze este DUPA nastere

PS atentie la antrenorul Uceanu ... nu, nu la tricoul lui ce o pune sa faca...umeri, biceps...exact ce trebuie

ai probleme cu tensiunea?

mananca o banana 

luni, 17 noiembrie 2008

stiati ca -insulina

insulina este considerata un hormon care ajuta la depunerea de grasime si prin urmare controlul nivelului insulinei este vazut ca una din cheile succesului unui regim. unii au mers chiar pana la a vedea controlul insulinei ca esential si prin urmare recomanda evitarea carbohidratilor, uitand ca si proteinele/aminoacizii sunt insulinogenici

cu toate ca insulina are un rol in antagonizarea efectelor HSL legate de mobilizarea grasimii (nu este singura substanta care face asta), un alt hormon (ASP) are ca functie primara depunerea de grasime (lipogeneza in adipocite), independent de orice crestere a nivelului de insulina

evitarea carbohidratilor sau a celor cu indice glicemic mare intr-un regim de slabire este o masura exagerata, atata timp cat exista un deficit caloric

deficit caloric si suficiente proteine (un minim de 1g/kg corp, ideal in jur de 2-3 g/kg corp), grasime sau carbohidrati dupa preferinte si in functie de activitate (mai mult sport, mai multi carbohidrati)

carbohidratii sunt in general mai ieftini si mai buni la gust :-)

duminică, 16 noiembrie 2008

pune frate muschi pe tine si te-ai scos

impresia generala este ca daca masa musculara creste, metabolismul se accelereaza si consumi mult mai multe calorii chiar si cand stai

din pacate, n-am vesti prea bune

conform unui studiu din 2001, 1 kg de muschi consuma 13 kcal/zi

daca pui 10 kg de muschi poti sa mananci linistit doua mere pe zi in plus :-))

vineri, 14 noiembrie 2008

stiati ca - BCAA

Amino Fuel de la Twinlab. De doua ori mai insulinogenic decat o solutie de glucoza pura. Ha!


J Beaty: What are your thoughts on the reemergence of the macronutrient food combining theory where carbs shouldn't be mixed with protein/fat meals and fat shouldn't be mixed with protein/carb meals?

L Norton: This is a rather simplistic way of looking at nutrition and focuses mainly on insulin rather than looking at the whole picture. While it probably isn't
a good idea to have a really high carb meal with a really high fat meal, there's nothing wrong with having moderate amounts of both.

W Brink: Like many theories, it comes around every few years or decades and gets people all worked up over their food. Problem is, it's no more true today than it was when the book “Fit for Life” by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond came out. The theory had no scientific support then and it has none now. Humans have been combining fats, carbs, and proteins quite successfully for eons, and as omnivores, are perfectly capable of digesting mixed meals.

J Hale: You are probably referring to the theory that assumes insulin and blood levels of fat should never be raised at the same time. This theory assumes that insulin is the key contributor to obesity. There are a few things wrong with this line of thought. One of the key problems is not recognizing something called Acylation Stimulating Protein. Acylation stimulating protein (ASP) is a hormone produced by adipocytes and is of importance for the storage of energy as fat. The consumption of dietary fat alone can increase fat storage. Dietary fat affects fat cell metabolism with NO INCREASE in insulin. Some studies have indicated dietary fat loading found a decrease in HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) and an activation of fat storage despite no increase in insulin. The key reason was activation of acylation stimulating protein (ASP) which is activated by the presence of chylomicrons (basically packaged triglycerides that are found in the bloodstream after the meal). ASP increases glucose uptake into the fat cell, increases insulin release from the pancreas and has been described as 'the most potent stimulator of triglyceride storage' in the fat cells by numerous scientists. Another problem with this line of thought is some proteins cause substantial elevations in insulin. Minimal levels of insulin affect fat cell metabolism. Basal levels can decrease lipolysis by 50%. Another consideration is most bodybuilders are eating every 2-3 hrs so nutrients are still absorbing from previous meals; therefore previous meals interact with the blood levels of nutrients of the present meal.

A study conducted by Golay and colleagues compared a diet with equal macronutrient content and substrate percentages; that differed only in how the substrates were consumed (mixed diet vs. food combining). The results were no difference in weight loss. Here are the exact results reported by the researchers:

“Results: There was no significant difference in the amount of weight loss in response to dissociated (6.2 +/- 0.6 kg) or balanced (7.5 +/- 0.4 kg) diets. Furthermore, significant decreases in total body fat and waist-to-hip circumference ratio were seen in both groups, and the magnitude of the changes did not vary as a function of the diet composition. Fasting plasma glucose, insulin, total cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations decreased significantly and similarly in patients receiving both diets. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values decreased significantly in patients eating balanced diets. The results of this study show that both diets achieved similar weight loss. Total fat weight loss was higher in balanced diets, although differences did not reach statistical significance. Total lean body mass was identically spared in both groups. CONCLUSION: In summary, at identical energy intake and similar substrate composition, the dissociated (or 'food combining') diet did not bring any additional loss in weight and body fat”. Actually looks like a slight increase in fat loss with mixed diet (balanced diet).

We have tons of anecdotal evidence that denies the need for food combining. We have evolved on a mixed diet. With all of that said, food combining may be beneficial regarding calorie control. Once you eliminate an entire macronutrient from a meal, this can go a long way in decreasing total caloric intake. If this is what you need to do to control energy intake, feel free to do so.

A Aragon: I think that the “P+C & P+F = okay but avoid C+F” principle is idiotic when applied across the board without any contingencies or attention to individual situations. For example, is someone is low-carbing for whatever reason you choose (pathological carbophobia included), they might be done with their carb intake by early afternoon, and their meal construction for the rest of the day is gonna be primarily P+F by sheer default. In the latter scenario, I can see the principle being legit.

However, when issued blanketly, it’s usually based upon the wacky idea that you don’t want fat floating around systemically when your insulin levels are high, because this will magically shift your net adipose balance in the positive. That’s false for a number of reasons. First of all, the insulin response generated by CHO + fat generally depends upon the degree of the fat’s saturation. Unsaturated fats tend to either lower insulin response of the co-ingested carbs, or not affect insulin response at all. Co-ingested sat fat, on the other hand, tends to raise insulin response, and can do so in a synergistic fashion. But then the question becomes, so what? Others have mentioned the more direct role ASP has in TG synthesis, and indeed, insulin is more of a multi-tasking anabolic/anticatabolic agent in comparison to ASP, which seems to exist solely to pump up the adipocytes. And of course the kicker is that ASP can do its TG-synthesizing magic in the sheer absence of insulin.

And then there’s energy balance… In a negative energy balance, insulinogenesis is wonderful thing, as long as the training stimulus & nutrition is there to work in concert with it to preserve LBM. In the condition of a positive energy balance, trainees in general are gonna have a lot more carbs to throw around, so this makes the whole separation thing even more dicey. Which meals should be carb-free or fat-free in order to pull of this magic separation tactic, and why? The logical answers to this question simply don’t exist. If you were to actually adhere to the mechanics of separation, you’d actually be hard-pressed to maintain a stable insulin profile – which is ironic, since the control of insulin is what “separatists” are aiming for. Regardless of all the previous points, the fundamental short sight is that digestion/absorption of meals overlap each other when meal frequency is as high as it should be. Therefore, attempting strict separation of the macros = kidding yourself. Not to mention, most foods in nature are a combo of all the macros to begin with.


joi, 13 noiembrie 2008

100 plus 100

azi am facut din nou antrenamentul de care vorbeam mai demult. 100 de tractiuni plus 100 de flotari la paralele.

incerc sa reduc timpul in care termin. prima data au fost 33 de minute. azi am reusit in 26. cand ajung la 20 ma opresc pentru ca inseamna ca m-am adaptat prea bine la antrenamentul asta

marți, 11 noiembrie 2008

stiati ca

rosiile si vinetele sunt fructe

alunele sunt legume :-)

super alimente

nu exista un fruct/leguma minune

stiinta inca nu a reusit sa descopere toti micronutrientii din fructe si legume si modul in care ei interactioneaza. incercarile de a izola unii micronutrienti au fost esecuri. stiati ca exista studii care arata ca un consum ridicat de vitamia c sau vitamina e CRESTE mortalitatea?

cel mai bine este sa mancam fructele si legumele in starea lor naturala, cat mai putin procesate

VARIETATEA este cheia. indiferent cat de la moda sunt anumite fructe/legume sau cat de hulite (banane, cartofi), nu trebuie sa mancam doar anumite fructe/legume sau sa ignoram altele

mi-am propus sa mananc in fiecare saptamana cel putin doua tipuri de fructe si patru tipuri de legume. chiar azi am mancat gulii si prune

luni, 10 noiembrie 2008

Lyle McDonald

geniul nutritiei

tocmai si-a refacut site-ul. tot ce vrei sa stii este acolo. sau in cartile lui. pe bune

vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008


Conform unui studiu recent realizat de cercetatorii de la Harvard Medical School si Baylor College of Medicine si publicat in Jurnalul Federatiei Societatilor Americane de Biologie Experimentala, omega 3 din uleiul de peste mentine raspunsul organismului la inflamatie in parametrii normali, ajutand la vindecarea leziunilor care apar la nivelul vaselor sanguine

Rezultate similare au fost obtinute si prin administrarea aspirinei

Recomand 6-10 g de ulei de peste sau ulei de ficat de cod pe zi

miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008


Capetele cromozomilor, telomerii, protejeaza cromozomii de erodare 

Scurtarea telomerilor este asociata cu diverse forme de cancer, rezistenta crescuta la insulina, boli cardiovasculare

In general, lungimea telomerilor este un indicator al imbatranirii organismului ("molecular clock marker")

Un studiu recent a demonstrat pentru prima data faptul ca lungimea telomerilor este mai mare in cazul celor care fac sport moderat, spre deosebire de cei care nu fac deloc sau fac sport de performanta

Pe langa activitatea fizica moderata, restrictia calorica este un alt factor care influenteaza longevitatea

O ora pe zi de sport si restrictie calorica pentru 100 :-)

marți, 4 noiembrie 2008


m-am abonat :-)

pre/post workout nutrition

un articol excelent scris de Will Brink


merg la sala de aproape 8 ani. tin diverse regimuri de atunci

pana anul asta regula era ca iarna mananc mai mult (ca sa pun masa musculara, chiar si cu grasime) si primavara/vara slabesc (incercand sa pastrez cat mai mult din masa musculara acumulata iarna)

de fapt lucrurile erau gresite. tinand vara un regim prea strict scapam iarna rau de tot. nu era o alegere, pur si simplu nu puteam altfel

anul asta am tinut un regim mai moderat vara si rezultatele se vad acum. nu am luat-o iarasi razna, ca in anii anteriori

se poate pune masa musculara si fara sa pui grasime. chiar daca schimbarile sunt mai putin dramatice, metoda asta este cea mai buna

un aport caloric usor peste nivelul de mentinere, foame controlata foarte usor de alimente cu densitate calorica redusa si densitate crescuta de micronutrienti (legume si fructe), 3-4 mese pe zi, doua cafele, 4-5 ceaiuri verzi si negre, un multivitamin, o lingura de ulei de peste pe zi

pentru moment asta fac. sa vedem ce iese

sâmbătă, 1 noiembrie 2008

atentie teapa

de mult vreau sa-mi testez procentul de grasime corporala cu o metoda cat de cat validata stiintific

acum cateva zile descopar pe net asta. stiam ca individul care are firma asta e dubios, dar m-am gandit ca aparatul e aparat, ce mai conteaza al cui e...

imi fac ieri programare si astazi la 9, plin de speranta si gol de orice lichide sau solide, ma prezint la test

intr-o vila cu aer de bordel de mana a doua, ma primeste o tanara cu accent de modovianca

stiti, sunt cel cu programarea de la 9 pentru bod pod

a, da, dar nu avem aparatul !!!???

e inca in america, stiti, CRIZA asta... da nu vreti mai bine sa va facem un test de rata metabolica !!!???

ieri cand mi-a facut programarea nu stia ca e criza si ca n-au aparatul din cauza asta

probabil ca urma intrebarea despre GH

va rog frumos sa boicotati aceasta firma care distribuie GH si, de fatada, ofera tot felul de servicii fictive