luni, 28 iunie 2010

care oua sunt mai bune

cu dedicatie pt Mr. Mechinicopshi...sau cum il cheama...

un articol aici

one benefit of fasting

Autophagy. 2010 Aug 14;6(6).

Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy.
Alirezaei M, Kemball CC, Flynn CT, Wood MR, Whitton JL, Kiosses WB.

Department of Immunology and Microbial Science, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Disruption of autophagy-a key homeostatic process in which cytosolic components are degraded and recycled through lysosomes-can cause neurodegeneration in tissue culture and in vivo. Upregulation of this pathway may be neuroprotective, and much effort is being invested in developing drugs that cross the blood brain barrier and increase neuronal autophagy. One well-recognized way of inducing autophagy is by food restriction, which upregulates autophagy in many organs including the liver; but current dogma holds that the brain escapes this effect, perhaps because it is a metabolically-privileged site. Here, we have re-evaluated this tenet using a novel approach that allows us to detect, enumerate and characterize autophagosomes in vivo. We first validate the approach by showing that it allows the identification and characterization of autophagosomes in the livers of food-restricted mice. We use the method to identify constitutive autophagosomes in cortical neurons and Purkinje cells, and we show that short-term fasting leads to a dramatic upregulation in neuronal autophagy. The increased neuronal autophagy is revealed by changes in autophagosome abundance and characteristics, and by diminished neuronal mTOR activity in vivo, demonstrated by a reduction in levels of phosphorylated S6 ribosomal protein in Purkinje cells. The increased abundance of autophagosomes in Purkinje cells was confirmed using transmission electron microscopy. Our data lead us to speculate that sporadic fasting might represent a simple, safe and inexpensive means to promote this potentially therapeutic neuronal response.

PMID: 20534972 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

vineri, 18 iunie 2010

cel mai bun baton proteic ever

Detour Bar ... unul dintre cele mai bune lucruri pe care le-am mancat vreodata

Batoanele proteice au gust de medicament si consistenta de carton presat...asta face snickers de rusine la gust

si continutul e ok...pacat ca nu se gaseste la noi...Cristi?

vineri, 4 iunie 2010

ce sa mananci/bei 2010

In 2008 scriam despre ceea ce cred eu ca e ok (sau mai putin) sa mananci/bei... m-am gandit ca n-ar strica sa fac o lista revizuita:

SUPER OK: legume (cu prioritate), fructe (orice fructe, de preferat in forma lor naturala, cu coaja daca e comestibila), carne (da, si porc), peste, fructe de mare, branza (de vaci, telemea, cas, urda, cascaval, etc.), iaurt (si sana, kefir etc.), unt, oua, ulei de peste, ulei de masline, ulei de cocos, otet, condimente (fara zahar), ceai verde, apa minerala sau plata

OK: nuci (inclusiv migdale, fistic, caju etc., toate de preferat crude), soia, paine, cereale, orez, paste, batoane proteice, concentrate proteice, lapte, sucuri 100% naturale (fara adaos de zahar, de preferat si cu ceva fibre), bauturi de tip cola zero (cu indulcitori), un pahar de vin rosu (o bere neagra) pe zi, cafea

DE PRFERAT FARA: margarina, mezeluri, dulciuri (prajituri, biscuiti, ciocolata, inghetata etc.), pateuri, croissante, pizza, fast food, orice "deep fried" (gogosi, snitzele etc.), popcorn, iaurturi cu fructe, cereale cu zahar, bauturi cu zahar


- nu exista super alimente;
- contextul si cantitatea conteaza;
- atentie la aportul caloric, in special la alimentele dense caloric (nuci, uleiuri, unt, mancaruri grase) etc.
- daca vrei sa slabesti trebuie sa consumi mai mult decat mananci; nu exista vreun aliment cu aport caloric negativ deci la regim nu adaugi alimente ca sa slabesti;
- cu cat mai putin procesat e un aliment cu atat mai bine;
- orice combinatie este ok, atata timp cat o tolerezi;
- nu e nici o problema sa mananci seara;
- nu e nici o problema sa nu mananci dimineata;
- nu ai nici un avantaj daca mananci din 3 in 3 ore; mancatul normal de 3 ori pe zi e ok;
- daca mergi la sala si faci exercitii cu greutati, e bine ca majoritatea aportului caloric din ziua respectiva sa fie dupa sala;
- daca faci cardio, macar 3-4 ore inainte nu manca nimic;
- mancarea nu trebuie sa devina o obsesie; daca mananci curat de obicei ajunge, nu trebuie sa fie totul perfect intotdeauna !

joi, 3 iunie 2010

Women Power by TC from T-Mag

Whether she's the live-at-home daughter of a pig farmer, a cashier at the Kwik-E-Mart, or an underwear model, most beautiful women discovered power at an early age, power in the form of sexual attractiveness, and power in the rather sad but overwhelming desire men have for their approval.

Put these two factors together, and a beautiful woman is, to most men, the most intimidating creature in the world; sort of like Freddie Krueger--same sculpted nails but with an awesome rack and a hellacious ass.

You get the sexual flip side to this when women are in the presence of a rich, powerful man. Suddenly, they're put in the same psychosexual tight wire act that men face when they're interacting with a beautiful woman.

Sure, put an ordinary woman in a room with Donald Trump and suddenly she knows how most men feel in her presence, only instead of the Donald merely firing her, men face the considerably more bleak prospect of not getting any primo ass.

Of course, if you pit a beautiful woman against a powerful man, then the power grab is nullified and they'll hook up and their spawn will wreck the remake of The Karate Kid.

For me, the intimidation comes not from the inherent power of beautiful women, but the fear of losing out on something wonderful. The nervousness I feel when I only get a few moments to lure a wünder babe into my man lair is like the nervousness a bass fisherman might feel when he's trying to land a record-setting fish, only instead of fearing you might not get your pic on the cover of Bass Master magazine, you might not get to stick your penis inside a world class hoo-hah and slide it back and forth, which, if successful, could possibly earn you the cover of Ass Master magazine.

I supposed the only way to combat this nervousness and the associated high cortisol is to, whenever in the presence of a beautiful woman, remind yourself of your inestimable talents and your self-worth. Most women can sense confidence and they're attracted to it. You have to admit, it sure beats splattering her suede pumps with urine from your nervous bladder.

If, on the other hand you don't have any talents or self-worth, you might possibly adopt a c'est la vie attitude and realize there's no reason to be nervous because there are plenty of other fish in the oil-coated sea that are already plenty drunk enough to overlook your multiple shortcomings.