miercuri, 14 octombrie 2009


am mai scris despre legatura dintre carbohidrati si cancer aici

am vazut azi ca a aparut un studiu interesant pe aceeasi tema

concluziile sunt urmatoarele:

We have shown that acetoacetate added to glucose medium causes variable but parallel reductions of ATP concentration and cell growth in seven human cancer cell lines. The effect lies along a continuum with control fibroblasts at one extreme in which neither cell growth is inhibited nor is ATP concentration reduced. The effect is consistent with an "inefficient" Randle cycle due to over-expression of uncoupling protein 2, seen only in the cancer lines, and is plausible in light of current models of a transformed cell's adaptive microscopic development and progression toward the cancer phenotype. More work must be done to prove metabolic inhibition by this mechanism. If proven, the results speak to the hypothesized potential for ketogenic diets as non-toxic therapeutic strategies, as adjuvants to standard therapies, and to multimodality therapies to improve the control of malignant disease.

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